AnyTaur V13.1 - Bug Fixes

Fixed a couple of bugs, one affecting quads and one affecting winged AnyTaurs.

The quad bug was, I was creating a couple of transforms in the wrong spot, so when you'd switch to Pose Clone Mode/custom poseclone animations, the base of your neck would leap to the wrong spot. Now that they're being created in the correct place, custom poseclone animations will no longer need to account for the weird offset.

The winged bug was, I altered the wing rig to be more stable, but I renamed some wing things and forgot to update Pose Clone Mode with the new names. So it would hit the misnamed spot, and quit working. All better!

I also organized some in-project things a little better.

An unfixed bug is, I swear there's a dead-end happening intermittently in my Additional Foreleg Pickup Layer, but I CANNOT figure it out. Sometimes, when in a custom pose, you pick up a foreleg, and when you put it back down, the constraint weights don't crank back up to 1 to put the leg all the way back into Pose Clone Mode. So it just hangs there a little "off-model" until you pick up and put down your forelegs some more. What. Other than that I don't really see any problems... except that I don't think the Contacts inherit scale properly depending on the scale of your .fbx, so please check the default AnyTaur's Contact sizing and make sure none of your Contacts are radically the wrong size.


AnyTaur_V13.1.unitypackage 33 MB
Jul 30, 2023

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